Cerulean Warbler by Laurie Johnson
Image by Laurie Johnson

The Midwest Migration Network (MMN) facilitates regionally-coordinated migration monitoring and research to address information gaps in the Midwest. Although focused primarily on landbirds, the Network welcomes anyone interested in advancing the study of the migratory ecology of birds and other animals in the Midwest. For the purposes of our Network, the Midwest region includes the states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio and Wisconsin (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Region 3). 

Interested in joining the MMN? Learn more about membership.

The MMN also works to increase the survival of birds throughout their annual life cycle. Understanding how birds move through the region depends on a well-coordinated network of observers, researchers, and decision-makers to ensure that appropriate conservation actions are taken to effectively alleviate threats and enhance habitat at critical stopover sites. The Network exists to improve connectivity between these key stakeholders.

The Network has three primary goals:

  • Determine the locations and site characteristics of stopover habitat to help decision makers enhance landbird reproductive success and survival.
  • Understand migratory movements through the region to effectively address conservation challenges.
  • Share information and protocols so that migration data are available to address important research questions at multiple scales.

Network members currently collaborate in four working groups:
  • Banding and ground surveys working group
  • Radar and acoustics working group
  • Telemetry working group
  • Great Lakes wind-wildlife coalition

Learn more about these working groups by reviewing the Network’s Projects.



The Midwest Migration Network website was made possible thanks to web design and technical assistance by Dave Bishop. The Midwest Migration Network logo was designed by Roxanne Gasperetti.