The Midwest Migration Network focuses on four initiatives: Banding & Ground Surveys, Radar Ornithology, Telemetry and the Great Lakes Wind-Wildlife Coalition. The goal of each initiative is to coordinate a regional understanding of migration through a shared research methodology designed to promote conservation of the Network's partner-generated Focal Species by answering its priority Research Questions.
Initiative Leader: Mark Shieldcastle, Black Swamp Bird Observatory
The goal of the Banding and Ground Surveys Working Group of the Midwest Migration Network is to develop and implement a coordinated bird banding and ground survey program to answer regional questions about migration patterns and migratory landbird demographics across the Midwest.
To address goals, the Banding & Ground Surveys Working Group will lead:
Initiative Leader: Lewis Grove, American Bird Conservancy
The Great Lakes Wind-Wildlife Coalition seeks to ensure robust consideration of and protections for birds and bats as part of offshore and nearshore wind energy facility development in the Great Lakes. Participants include representatives from federal and state agencies, conservation organizations, and academic institutions.
This diverse group has identified two primary objectives to achieve our overarching goal:
Terms of Reference available here.
Initiative Leader: Jeff Buler, University of Delaware
The Radar and Acoustics Working Group of the Midwest Migration Network seeks to conduct and facilitate research on migratory animals in order to inform their conservation and management.
Two broad MMN priority research questions can be addressed through the use of radar and acoustic monitoring techniques:
Initiative Leader: Sarah Kendrick, Missouri Department of Conservation
The Telemetry Working Group of the Midwest Migration Network seeks to conduct and facilitate research on migratory animals in order to inform their conservation and management. The working group consists of members from state and federal agencies, AZA zoos, local and regional NGOs, and academic institutions.
Together these diverse entities worked to identify three priority research areas that can be addressed through the use of telemetry techniques:
To address these three research focuses we have a goal to expand the coverage of the Motus Wildlife Tracking System (Motus), and related research projects in the Midwest United States and Canada.