We did it! We want to thank over a dozen speakers and over 300 participants for making our first ever Midwest Migration Network Virtual Conference “Connecting Birds and People in the Midwest” a great success! Event highlights included two excellent keynote presentations from Pete Marra and Fabiola Rodríguez, research updates from all the MMN initiatives, as well as some spectacular visualizations of bird migration from the Radar & Acoustics initiative.
In case you missed the conference, you can still view recordings from all of the sessions on our YouTube channel. Individual sessions are also linked below:
- Opening Program: Pete Marra Keynote, Introduction to MMN
- Banding/Grounds Surveys Initiative
- Great Lakes Wind-Wildlife Coalition
- Telemetry Initiative
- Radar and Acoustics Initiative
- Closing Program: Fabiola Rodríguez Keynote
If you want to stay up to date on the latest MMN news and happenings, don’t forget to become a member by joining here.