The Midwest Migration Network (MMN) invites you to join our first ever virtual public conference “Connecting Birds & People in the Midwest” on July 21-23, 2020, featuring special keynote speakers Pete Marra, Director of the Georgetown Environment Initiative, and Fabiola Rodríguez, Ph.D. candidate at Tulane and research collaborator with the Mesoamerican Development Institute.

Join us to:

  • Discover the latest findings in the world of migration science and conservation from leading experts from across our region and beyond.
  • Be inspired by advances in innovative technology used to track migratory birds, from radar to telemetry.
  • Join researchers and conservationists working at the forefront of bird migration science and learn how this information is informing conservation actions.

Over the course of this three-day conference, our program will feature two keynote sessions that will provide a broad overview of MMN’s work and how we connect with research from throughout the western hemisphere. Four working sessions will delve into MMN’s initiatives seeking to address regional questions by implementing the latest technologies with collaborative approaches: Banding and Ground Surveys, Great Lakes Wind-Wildlife Coalition, Radar and Acoustics, and Telemetry.

This event is free for all attendees, though we welcome donations of $10 or more to support our mission to advance collaborative bird migration research and conservation.

To learn more and for a full meeting schedule, please review the Conference Program.

Register now through Zoom: